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Yoga and Mindfulness

Rainbow Muse, Sammy Elliott, Chenai Mupotsa-Russell, Art Therapy, Psychology, Yoga, Melbourne
Benefits of Yoga


Yoga is a great tool for improving mental health. It's amazing for self-regulation, as practising yoga switches your body's focus from the sympathetic nervous system, to the parasympathetic nervous system. Put another way, you go from flight-or-flight, to rest-and-digest. This is incredibly helpful for people who have experienced trauma. 


Yoga increases body awareness, relieves stress, reduces muscle tension, strain, and inflammation, and sharpens attention and concentration. It also improves mood and behaviour, and cultivates mindfulness. When practising yoga, you're able to increase awareness and integrate your body and mind.


Rainbow Muse works with people to reconnect to their bodies in a safe and positive way. A psycho-therapeutic and trauma-informed approach allows people to be comfortably present in the moment, connect to their bodies and recognise how movements make them feel emotionally and physically. This way of being can then be taken off the mat and out into the world. 


Trauma-informed yoga can be incorporated into therapy sessions with clients. Yoga with a particular focus on mental health and well being is  also available for NDIS participants as part of their plan.

Rainbow Muse, Sammy Elliott, Chenai Mupotsa-Russell, Art Therapy, Psychology, Yoga, Melbourne
Benefits of Mindfulness


One of the many tools yoga uses to reduce stress and improve stress-related nervous system imbalances, is mindfulness. It can be practised in seated meditation or integrated into everyday activities such as walking and eating. 


Mindfulness is our anchor. By focussing on the present moment - often by turning your attention to your breath, body and senses - you can learn to be aware of stressful thoughts and feelings without getting caught up in them. 


Mindfulness can help reduce stress, boost creativity, improve attention, working-memory and concentration, and strengthen relationships. It's also helpful in managing depression, anxiety, chronic pain, suicidal ideation, addiction recovery and relapse prevention and eating disorders.


Rainbow Muse offers mindfulness as tool for self-regulation and wellbeing. It is also part of therapeutic interventions offered by therapists, these include Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy (MCBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

Rainbow Muse, Sammy Elliott, Chenai Mupotsa-Russell, Art Therapy, Psychology, yoga, Melbourne
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