
Welcome to Rainbow Muse Collective we offer art therapy, peer support, psychology, play therapy, dance and movement therapy, family therapy, animal-assisted therapy and trauma sensitive yoga.
We bring our mushy hearts and years of experience in a range of community and health contexts to work with each individual’s needs. We are a social justice-oriented practice with an emphasis on decolonial and collective care. We are an inclusive practice where people can feel supported and accepted as they are.
We center the needs of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) and LGBTQIA humans and with a focus on intersectionality strive to amplify the voices and expressions of Neurodivergent and Disabled Communities.

our story

Rainbow Muse was founded by Chenai Mupotsa-Russell in 2019 in response to feeling like there were limited safe spaces for magical humans with diverse intersecting identities. Working in mental health and community settings and she came to recognise how intersectionality emphasises the interconnectedness of an individual's social identities and positions, influencing their sense of safety and treatment in society.
Everybody deserves a space to feel safe, be seen, connect, belong and receive appropriate support. Aiming to offer this in some way birthed Rainbow Muse.

In 2022 Sammy Elliott who had been running Girl and Dog Psychology joined Chenai they co-created Rainbow Muse Clinic. As best friends working with our incredible team we built a beautiful busy practice and we have the privilege of working with the most amazing humans. We however found the clinic model does not align with what we seek to do. Hence we are moving away from a top-down hierarchical structure to practising collective leadership.
Together we are dismantling the clinic model and moving towards Collaborative Governance as a powerful method for addressing systemic problems and seizing opportunities to improve services and strengthen communities as we stay true to our values, work sustainably and continue to serve the people we aim to, authentically and giving them as much autonomy and transparency as they deserve.
Rainbow Muse Collective is a community intersectionally-conscious providers. Acknowledging the interplay of systemic power, privilege, and oppression on mental wellness. While also living it in how we show up in all areas of our work. We will continuously interrogate our use of power, recognising our privileged positionality in the therapeutic relationship.
Rainbow Muse Collective is not a rebrand of Rainbow Muse Clinic. The term “collective” as we use it is a political or social term used to describe an 'ideal society', one where leadership is shared, and all members work together to achieve a common goal with effort spread equally. Collective leadership is a social process rather than a series of top-down directives.
Rainbow Muse Collective is an beautiful container, holding multiple little containers. We are a community of independent therapy practices under one umbrella, co-leading and co-working with common goals, shared ethos, trust, balanced power, transparency, accountability, and a commitment to shared learning.

Our new website is still under construction as we transition. Our team remains the same but each profile will lead to each team members little practise. Please be patient with us as we update each section. Our waitlist is currently closed but when it reopens please be sure to join on the specific therapist (or therapists) waitlist. Please note Though we work as a team as individual practices we cannot share information without the relevant consent so please speak directly to the provider you wish to work with.

Chenai Mupotsa-Russell

Aysha Tufa

Anna Ewen
Anna Ewen Therapies

Sammy Elliott

Raquel Guerrera
Raquel Guerrera Therapy

Portia Kambasha

Niki Schild

Jesse Scott