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meet amy

Amy Pearson (She/her)
Support Worker


Back in 2019, I completed a Diploma of Counselling Skills. When I say “completed”, I really mean I struggled horribly through the academic world.  I remember always thinking while I was studying, that everything they’re teaching me is just common sense and just about being a decent human being. It felt disheartening knowing that I was struggling through a course on being human because I couldn’t fully articulate myself in the way that the system wanted me to. 


From there, I began studying a Bachelor of Primary Education, aiming to help people and fight the systems which had broken me many times before. Unfortunately, this degree still required me to “learn” in ways that my brain does not; and I decided to leave the academic world.  I spent some time and really thought about what fills my soul and for me, that’s music. So, this year, I am starting a Diploma of Audio Engineering and Sound Production, a course where the usual academic systems that have failed me in the past are a lot more neurodivergent friendly. 



For the past 3 years, I have been working in primary schools running before and after school care programs, working with beautiful little humans. To me, this job was more than just serving them snacks, creating cute little crafts, and crushing it at UNO…although that  was fun. I wanted them to know that they didn’t  have to fit the mould that the education system forces upon them. Also, just being real, honest, and human with these people, letting them know that even adults don’t really know what they’re doing, we’re all constantly learning, and that no one knows everything. So, I did just that, and I like to imagine that I made an impact on at least one person in my time doing that job, no matter how small the impact.


I still want to support people through this crazy, unpredictable thing called life, and that’s where Rainbow Muse comes in. I have found a place where I don’t have to fit the systems and I can be my neurodivergent self without any judgement whatsoever. My brain is complicated, everyone’s brains are complicated, and the world we live in doesn’t always understand the complexity of brains and how they work. I am also a client at Rainbow Muse – and I bring my own lived experience to my role as a support worker. I’ve experienced homophobia and ableism -  and I want to support whoever I can, because we all can use some extra support in our lives, and that’s what I’m here to do.

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